Monday, October 26, 2009

Buddy Pokes on Facebook

I just buddy poked some of my friends on facebook. They are really cuute!hehehe!

buddy poke1

Zombie dance

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are you a Facebook Addict??

MANILA - Facebook users beware. Psychologists are now probing a new kind of addiction called Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD).

Psychologist Dr. Michael Fenichel, who has published numerous writings on FAD online, describes it as a situation in which Facebook usage "overtakes" daily activities like waking up, getting dressed, using the telephone, or checking e-mail.

"The amazing thing is that, like cellphones, nobody seems to notice the vast amount of time and energy - at work, at home, and now while on the move - people are devoting to Facebook. It has become a given," Fenichel writes in an online post titled "Facebook Addiction Disorder- A New Challenge?"

FAD could be classified under the more broad "internet addiction disorder" or internet overuse.

Academic papers have already posed theories on internet addiction and social networking addiction, and even less, cellphone addiction.

"Like most activities, moderation and integration are key. Those that may seriously label and treat FAD as a behavioral addiction will clearly need to use context in determining if a behavior has become demonstrably harmful to overall social, work, or face-to-face interpersonal efficacy," Fenichel added.

You are a Facebook addict if...

According to Joanna Lipari, a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles who was interviewed for a CNN report, here are some signs that you are addicted to Facebook:

1. You lose sleep over Facebook. When using Facebook becomes a compulsion and you spend entire nights logged on to the site, causing you to become tired the next day.

2. You spend more than an hour a day on Facebook. Lipari said it is difficult to define how much is too much when it comes to Facebook usage, but that an average person need only spend half an hour on the site.

3. You become obsessed with old loves or exes you reconnect with on Facebook.

4. You ignore work in favor of Facebook. This means you do not do your job in order to sneak time on Facebook.

5. The thought of getting off Facebook leaves you in cold sweat. If you try going a day without Facebook and it causes you stress and anxiety, this means you need help.

According to the same report by Elizabeth Cohen, Senior CNN Medical Correspondent, Facebook addiction is not yet an actual medical diagnosis.

However, the report notes that several therapists in the United States have noticed a rise in the number of clients who get hooked on social networking, to the point of social dysfunction.

Facebook fun

Facebook, launched by the world's youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, has over 300 million users worldwide, half of whom log on to the site every day.

Further, about 2 billion photos and 14 million videos are uploaded on various Facebook pages a month and about 6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook a day, worldwide.

According to Willis Wee, founder of the social media and marketing blog, this is twice as much time that people spend on Google.

The global social networking website allows users to post and share content (like photos, links, videos, and notes), play casual games and applications, and interact with friends and family through messaging and chat. With reports from

Monday, October 19, 2009

Have remodelled my Cafe

I decided to use this theme instead..What do you think peepz?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Aquarium?

Someone invited me to play Happy Aquarium and got a chance to try it.
When seeing the whole thing, the aquarium looks a bit boring compared to Fish World.
But while exploring, I found out you can actually name your fishes and get
it to train and some other options like to mate.

It's kinda fun for now. Let me see.

I just opened my Cafe on Facebook!

Facebook New Game: Cafe World

Grab your chef’s hat and get ready to cook!

In Café World, you're in charge of your very own restaurant. Choose from dozens of dishes to cook, then slice, chop, saute and bake your way to the top of the culinary world!

It's up to you to decorate your café any way you want with hundreds of items and styles to choose from. And if you need a break, you can always visit your friends’ restaurants and try their daily specials... you might even find someone you can hire!

Open your cafe now and start your journey to the top of the Café World today!

Add me on Mafia Wars Facebook !

I'm on Level 123 now. Add me and will send you energy everyday!

Join My Mafia:

My New Fish World Themes

I bought 2 Background Fish World themes.

The Pet City


The Hollywood Theme.

Soooo love it.
It cost me alot of my coins so need to sell more fishes now than ever!

Add me on Fish world<---CLICK

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Power of Tweetdeck + Facebook

What I love most about Tweetdeck aside from its new awesome twitting
features is the impressive interaction with my facebook profile.

In Tweetdeck viewing my wall posts, friend's stats, latest videos and photos while
twitting is just a breeze!

It's cool because I can easily reply to comments, wall posts,like, view profiles and even retweet my friends' stats in an instant.

Now, the most awesome part is that I can still play all my fave facebook games simultaneously without switching back and forth to Home or my main profile.

Whatever it is, there's really no call for any interruption at all.
That's the power of multi-tasking. Swell!

Dead Fishes on FISH WORLD? --no worries!

One time I forgot all my Fish tanks and when I opened it.Huwaaaaah!
My fishes were all dead!!!
I flushed all of them without knowing that I could still ask
my neighbours to revive it.
Don't make the same mistake that I did.
Hope this entry helps you in some ways:)

My Fave Facebook Game- Fish World

So many cool games in Facebook--sooo little time.
For now, let me just introduce you to my latest faverite game.
Slowly will explore...THE FISH WORLD!

This is one of the themes that I love to keep in my tank.The Carnival Theme.
Some of my friends find it a bit not so good in the eye, but if you gona start to add some stuffs in like Ticket Booth, Circus tent,annoucner, pirate ship,etc
it'll look interesting.

Currently, you can purchase up to 10 Tanks.

My third tank..Not so impressive yet but in time I'm gona have lotsa coins to pimp it all up.:)

My Carnival Tank

Wana be my neighbour? ---> BE MY NEIGHBOUR